piątek, 30 września 2016

Systemy i rangi

Wydaje się,  że początkowo ranga duchowa była źródłem przywilejów społecznych - władza dana od Boga. Władza taka potrzebowała siły wykonawczej, co prowadziło do wykształcenia kasty wojowników wraz z niezbędnym im wodzem. Doprowadziło to do powstania doupolu i sporu o nadrzędność jednej władzy nad drugą.

Stopniowo przywileje i władza zmigrowały  do grupy posiadającej rangę społeczną z racji urodzenia - ukształtował i utrwalił się feudalizm. Wraz z kumulacją zasobów feudałowie potrzebowali coraz większej liczby wykształconych pomocników. Doprowadziło to do powstania trwałej warstwy uprzywilejowanej bez dostępu do władzy - burżuazji.

Rosnące grupa posiadaczy kapitału początkowo próbowała po prostu wejść do klasy arystokracji, ale migracja taka nie była efektywna ze względu na odmienne systemy wartości arystokracji i burżuazji. Finalnie miejsce feudalizmu przejął kapitalizm - system przyznający przywileje  tym, którzy potrafią zdobyć samodzielnie rangę społeczną. Kapitalizm, dzięki maksymalizacji efektywności motywowanej dążeniem do maksymslizacji kumulacji bogactwa, doprowadził po raz pierwszy w historii do stanu trwałego nadmiaru dóbr niepowiązanego z cyklami przyrody. Efektem ubocznym mechanizmów maksymalizacji efektywności było powstanie marketingu, czyli kreowania potrzeb w oderwaniu od potrzeb biologicznych. Doprowadziło to do paradoksu - powszechnego poczucia niezaspokojenia potrzeb w sytuacji największego dobrobytu w historii ludzkości.

Teoretycy socjalizmu wskazali, że źródłem zła kapitalizmu jest nadmierna kumulacja bogactwa i zaproponowali jego redystrybucję. W wersji ortodoksyjnej, komuniźmie, wręcz zakazali istotnej własności prywatnej, wbrew wszelkim hierarchiom potrzeb motywującym działanie jednostek. Pomyślany przez nich nowy człowiek miał być motywowany ideami innymi niż posiadanie, władza czy duchowość. Tyle tylko, że z nieznanych teoretykom przyczyn, brak zaspokojenia potrzeb wynikających z pobudek biologicznych doprowadził do kompromitacji idei redystrybucji.

Brakującym elementem dla wyłonienia się systemu społecznego, który zastąpi kapitalizm,  może okazać się ranga psychologiczna, która daje jednostce poczucie wartości niezależnie od posiadania, władzy czy kontaktu z siłą wyższą. Co istotne ranga ta nie wymaga rezygnacji z pozostałych rodzajów rang. Dzięki samowiedzy pozwala świadomie korzystać i rezygnować z posiadanych przywilejów. Hierarchia społeczna mogłaby wynikać z poziomu świadomości psychologicznej, co ciekawe, realizując w jakiś sposób koncepcję:
"Jeśli kto chce być pierwszym, niech będzie ostatnim ze wszystkich i sługą wszystkich!"

niedziela, 25 września 2016

Młodzi nadzieją świata

Dzieci wychowujemy wpajając im wiarę w ideały. Przekazujemy je w bajkach i najważniejszych dziełach kultury.
Dorośli, aby funkcjonować w świecie, akceptują rzeczywistość i rezygnują z większości ideałów. Tworzą świat trochę lepszy niż świat ich rodziców i kolejne ideały być może stają się możliwe do urzeczywistnienia, ale sami dorośli utracili już wiarę w ich realność. To zadanie spoczywa na kolejnych pokoleniach. Z tego powodu wyposażanie młodych w ideały na drogę w dorosłość jest istotym mechanizmem wspierającym rozwój społeczności.

piątek, 23 września 2016

Miłość i praca z procesem

Istotą pracy z procesem jest wnoszenie świadomości wokół tego, co dzieje się pomiędzy stronami polaryzacji.
Skuteczna praca z progiem wymaga objęcia pełną Miłości uwagą obu stron polaryzacj. Z takim nastawieniem, szczególnie w przypadku facylitacji, możliwe staje się przejście progu i dotarcie do nowej jakości, która ma szansę w sposób trwały zastąpić konflikt. W przeciwnym razie jedna ze stron zmarginalizuje drugą, co ukryje konflikt, ale oznacza jedynie odłożenie go w czasie. Konflikt będzie powracał tak długo, aż ktoś zajmie się nim z Miłością, ponieważ konflikty pojawiają się, gdy nadchodzi potrzeba nowej jakości.

poniedziałek, 19 września 2016

Wnoszenie Miłości do świata

Jeśli sensem istnienia Stworzonego jest odkrycie Miłości do Miłości, to Stworzone w najgłębszej swej istocie, podmiotowym Śnieniu, pragnie "zasłużyć" na Miłość. To pragnienie wyryte jest w tęsknocie do Miłości, której obecność (Miłości) jest na tym poziomie oczywista, a która nie jest bezpośrednio dostępna.

Stworzone otrzymało światy odgrodzone od oczywistości obecności Miłości, światy wolności, ponieważ to w nich można doświadczyć cierpienia wszystkich miłości, które niezmiennie nie są Miłością i nie mogą zaspokoić najgłebszej z tęsknot. Tym sposobem Stworzone nieuchronnie powinno ostatecznie odkryć, że tylko Miłość daje dostęp do Miłości, Miłość odnaleziona w sobie, a nie poza, ale równocześnie skierowana poza, a nie w siebie.

Światy wolności zostały wyposażone w mechanizmy wytwarzania polaryzacj dla Miłości, tak aby możliwa była wolność.
Przykładowo chciwość została użyta do wyrywania śladów Miłości ze świata. Chciwość to w istocie pragnienie bezpieczeństwa, bycia kochanym.  Podobnie pragnienie władzy jest pragnieniem posiadania mocy do zmuszenia do zachowań tak jakby było się kochanym.
Tylko pycha, wiara, że inni powinni kochać pomimo, że samemu się nie kocha, jest prawdziwą polaryzacją dla Miłości.

Okazało się, że światy wolności rozciągnięte pomiędzy Miłością, a Pychą, wielkie eksploratorium, wytworzyły tak wielką różnorodność, że Stworzone gubi drogę do Miłości. Bogactwo form przesłania Miłość do tego stopnia, że stworzenia wybierają wolność zamiast poszukiwania Miłości, tłumiąc tęsknotę strumieniem doświadczania.

Konieczne jest rozstawianie drogowskazów :)

niedziela, 11 września 2016

Wegetarianie z psem i kotem

Nieodmiennie zadziwiają mnie wegetarianie, którzy odczuwają wyższość moralną w związku z niejedzeniem mięsa i równocześnie posiadają psa lub/i kota (często sztuk więcej niż jeden). Dokonują wygibasów umysłowych w celu uzasadnienia czemu karmienie ich ulubieńców mięsem z najbardziej niehumanitarnego chowu przemysłowego jest dopuszczalne, a karmienie mięsem ludzi - nie. Oburzają się na uwagi, że posiadanie żywego stworzenia samo w sobie jest niehumanitarne, bo przecież każdy kto doświadczył psiej miłości wie, jak to wspaniałe. Tymczasem posiadając zwierzę, które pozostaje od nas tak bardzo zależe, załatwiamy sobie potrzebę budującej relacji emocjonalnej. Kupujemy zamienniki dla relacji z ludźmi, bo oni są o wiele bardziej wymagający od braci mniejszych. Z tej perspektywy biznesik - życie świń, krów i drobiu w zamian za życie mojego pupila - wydaje się całkiem naturalny. Tylko niech będzie to jakoś uświadomione, bo inaczej wegetariańskie poczucie wyższości bywa mocno niestrawne.

Homo sapiens - misja ratunkowa?

Po wielu wcieleniach ludzka dusza dociera do stanu gotowości powrotu do Boga. Jest to czas, gdy kolejne wcielenia mogą być związane z zabieraniem na "pokład" dodatkowego elementu - bytu nieorganicznego (dżina, anioła, który wybrał wolność zamiast Miłości). Daje to bytom nieorganicznym szansę ponownego doświadczenia Miłości i ponownego podjęcia decyzji.

Moc czarownika i nagual

Think of a sorcerer's power as a gear. When the sorcerer completes his energy body, the gear becomes solid. This allows the sorcerer to interlock his power with that of other sorcerers, as well as that of a nagual leader. This is how a party of sorcerers functions, like a machine made out of concrete light. The interlocking power of this group is also connected to the universe at large in the same manner, but without adequate power in dreaming, this is not possible.

At the fourth gate of dreaming, you can share a lucid dream with another sorcerer. The closest thing to sharing power in a lucid dream, which isn't really possible, is to interlock power in the dream, but in order to do this you have to have a nagual leader present, a group of sorcerers on their own can't do it. So, you could say that interlocking power in dreaming is the same as a fourth gate experience with a nagual. Once you have experienced both kinds of fourth gate dreams, you'll understand why a nagual is required for a party of sorcerers to really do anything.

Ziemia - planeta miłości

Być może kluczowym aspektem wyjątkowości Ziemi jest fakt, że pozwala doświadczać miłości, niezależnie od kontaktu z Bogiem. Można tu kochać na szereg sposobów, zarówno wspaniałych jak i strasznych, a każdy z nich  prowadzi do przywiązania i wynikającego z niego cierpienia. Takie doświadczanie  miłości daje szansę na zapragnienie trwałej Miłości, która wolna jest od cierpienia związanego z obawą o utratę tego co kochane.

sobota, 10 września 2016

Zapisy - symptomy

Symptomy są przejawiami zapisów tworzonych w chwili blokady przepływu strumienia energii, najczęściej emocjonalnej. Zapis (złóg, ślad, nadużycie) wymaga właściwego odczytania i reakcji, która pozwoli na jego anulowanie. Właściwa reakcja wytworzy zmianę, która zapobiega ponownemu wytworzeniu blokady.

Symptomy są tym silniejsze im pilniejsze jest skorygowanie przepływu energii. Symptom jest jednym ze sposobów wskazania na zapis wymagający reakcji.

Zapisy otrzymujemy z różnych źródeł. Większość tworzymy indywidualnie, ale część jest przenoszona międzypokoleniowo, a część przychdzi wraz z inkarnującą duszą.

Istnieją również zapisy czasu i miejsca, które oddziaływują na struktury energetyczne.

Lucid Dreaming

Have you read the book, "The Art of Dreaming"? It is essential that you are familiar with it if you want to become an actualized sorcerer. OK, all you have to do to have lucid dreams is start asking yourself "Am I dreaming?", about every 15-30 minutes, all day long, every day, and within a week you should find yourself in a dream asking that very question, and then you will become lucid. Having a dream journal, for recording anything you remember about a dream, within arms reach of your bed is also effective in becoming aware of your dreams. The other thing that is critically important to developing your dreaming attention is to try to stop your internal dialog at all times. If you reduce the amount of inner chatter, and only interrupt that intended silence with the "Am I dreaming?" question, it should have a powerful effect. There are cheap digital watches you can program to beep every 30 minutes, as a reminder to ask the question. Before I had my first lucid dream, I tried many different ways and spent hundreds of dollars on different devices to no avail, but this simple method did the trick for me.

czwartek, 8 września 2016

Byty nieorganiczne

The easiest way to deal with inorganic beings is to be aware that the only time they are telling the truth is when they are answering questions, and any time they offer anything unsolicited it is a lie. This is the case 100% of the time. So, all dream imagery, any sights and sounds they introduce to the dream are all lies all the time. You should only ask questions that can be answered with a yes or a no, because otherwise they will try to trick you by answering a question that you never asked, but logically would have. It is impossible to pull that trick off with only a yes or a no. Whatever they appear as, when you first see them, is a lie. Unless you say that you want to see what they really look like, or that you want to see their energy, anything that you see is completely fake. They can only serve one of two purposes for you, either to answer your questions or to deceive you, the choice is yours.

They told me that the reason that they lie is because it is the only freedom they have. Unlike human beings, they know what the truth is about everything all the time, they don't have any questions about anything. If one IB wants to know what another one knows, they just intend it, they don't have to ask any questions. For the IB's there are no mysteries, everything is just in their face all the time, and it isn't pleasant. So, it is as if they are being artistically creative when they lie, since they aren't fooling each other with it for even a second, it is actually considered a polite greeting. Since we are half inorganic, they think that we are like them, the same way we humanize them in our minds, so they just assume that we know what the truth is.

When we demand to know the real truth about anything, it makes us look mentally challenged to them, like there is something seriously wrong with us, even though they know better. Just because they know the truth, it doesn't mean they accept it, which is just like us. It is really twisted. There is just no way to be able to know ahead of time what characteristics of theirs are like us and which are not, so it is always better to ask them. On top of that, you should ask them the same question in more than one way to confirm their answers, because they make assumptions about our questions just like we do. It is a miracle that we can communicate at all with them.

wtorek, 6 września 2016

Oferta specjalna

As I've talked about before, sorcerers are human beings that are born with a djinn soul, and because of this they have a separate covenant with god, which they can choose to either accept or reject. Because the djinn were the first born beings of any kind, they had qualities of both angels and man, for better or worse, but the covenant that they have is that of an angel, not a human. If a sorcerer accepts that covenant, they can return to take up their original posts in heaven after the end of their natural lives on earth, but they still have to actualize their potential as sorcerers first. The reason for this is that a non-functioning sorcerer cannot make decisions which can only be understood by an actualized sorcerer. So, you have to cross some gates of dreaming and get in touch with your djinn soul directly. You own djinn soul is actually your best guide in relation to the covenant because it can transport you to heaven to see exactly what it is that you would be agreeing to, this is not a pig in a poke, you are expected to have full awareness and knowledge of it first before deciding. Before a sorcerer becomes actualized, they are just a product of their mind's uncontrollable internal dialog, they share that human condition with everyone else, but that ceaseless noise doesn't have the authority to follow or reject a covenant, that decision can only be made in silence.

The amazing thing is that a sorcerer can't be penalized if they choose to Don Juan's path of nagualism, because they were never given the opportunity to choose to be a sorcerer, it was something that they were born as. This is one of the things that makes sorcerers so unique in all of creation, that they actually have more freedom to choose their destinies than any other beings. What is bewildering is that most sorcerers never actualize themselves at all, and so they forgo being able to decide their own fate for themselves. Don Juan told me that this is one of the things that makes this world so weird, this useless position of the assemblage point that most sorcerers get stuck on.

Last I checked, there are more than 100,000 but less than 1,000,000 paths of freedom available to sorcerers, and you can usually change your path from one to another, even after you die, but once you stay with the IB's it is forever. At this point in time, I've only learned about six paths of freedom, because I wasn't purposely looking for more options, just the ones that were immediately available to me.

1. ) The first sorceric path of freedom, by default, is always the "path of redemption," and this is the path you choose if you want to retain your awareness but want to do it in heaven, working as an angel again, doing the job that the djinn were doing before they "fell." If you accept the original angelic covenant of the djinn, then your work for the rest of eternity will be to take care of the souls of animals in heaven. If you show an aptitude for it, you can switch to caring for human souls later, but that is the full extent of your choices and you don't get to change your mind later. The freedom that you get from this path is the freedom from being evil forever, and everything good that an angel can possibly be is what you will manifest by default. The part about not being able to change your mind later can be a deal breaker for modern day sorcerers though.

The next best path of freedom can be any of them because of a fail-safe provision in the rule of the nagual. This provision allows you to change your path for a better one whenever you want to, even after your physical body dies on Earth (but not its corresponding energy body). So I recommend picking the path of freedom that your gut tells you to pick and not worry if it really is the absolute best for you, especially since your best path will never stop being available to you. Switching to a sorceric path that is not a path of freedom or just worse for you personally is something that you can only do while you are still alive on Earth, therefore you can't become a death defier after you die unless you already are one. The reason that the rule exists is because if you keep switching your path to a better one, eventually you will end up at the top of the list, back in Heaven. This is why I say it is the best choice, not because it is my opinion, but because that's how the physics of it all plays out. I guess it might be a good idea to pick the furthest path of freedom from Heaven first in order to get the longest vacation in before going back to work, if you happen to see it that way.

2.) That all being said, the next path of freedom on my list is Don Juan's path of impeccability, the one that allows you to retain the most amount of your self and your human awareness after you die. You will become a high energy type of inorganic being at that time, but you will remain within the inorganic physical planes, with a lifespan that will end when the universe ends. It is possible to return to the organic physical plane as well, but there is no guarantee that this will happen for you. All nagualist paths of freedom are based on death defier paths, but they have been modified so that the sorcerers who follow them retain their conscience and don't turn into man-sized insects. Don Juan's path is one of elemental earth energy primarily, along with that of fire.

3.) The third path of freedom, on my list but not necessarily yours, is the Nagual Maximilian's path. He was the reigning prime Nagual for the recent 5000 year age of the Tonal, he reminds me of Castaneda's description of the Nagual Julian. His energy is very flamboyant, but he is not the ringleader that you first see when encountering his mega-group of ancient sorcerers, he is usually standing in the front row behind that guy, and is not as wild as that person. He is a master of what I would call organic elemental sorcery, that is, he has brought as much of the organic world into dreaming as is possible, especially water, so his dream bubble can seem like it really is a place on Earth, like a miniature Venice, Italy. He may or may not be from there originally, he is very secretive about his personal details, even though he is now very far away from us along with his group, in some distant hidden realm. His entire group moves around together on occasion, as a huge wave of water that washes away the Flyers, those parasitic inorganic beings that Castaneda wrote about. His secondary elemental energy is air, but this does not exclude the other two, as all sorcerers need to be able to recreate all the organic elements within their shareable concrete dreams. When he teachers you one on one, he is very calm and to the point, and I personally find his energy more compatible with mine than that of Don Juan's, which is because Maximilian is my default Nagual, even though I have stayed behind to develop my awareness in a traditional way, close to home. Because Don Juan is the prime Nagual for this age, you may not ever have any interaction with Maximilian because he is so far away now, it is just one of those things that happens if it happens, I wouldn't worry about it if it does not.

I've written about the next two paths of freedom before, but at the time I didn't understand that they were just as good as any other path of freedom, even though they don't really qualify as nagualist paths. These paths are the manifestations of two aspects of God, which sort of remind me of the double angel Metatron, but they are something different, sort of like demigods, and they are called the Hands of God.

4.) I wouldn't be surprised if they appear a differently to everyone who sees them, but from my view, there is a female who always appears in the sky, radiates cold white light, is reminiscent of the virgin Mary, brings great clarity, focus and determination. She makes fleeting appearances, hovering over the mountain peaks of different worlds throughout ours and every other universe there is. The thing is, she may also appear as a man, but if you do see her in dreaming, just ask her if she is one of the hands of God, and feel free to follow the path she provides you. If you can't find her on your own, try finding me in dreaming and asking my energetic self for directions, as she is the one I'm most oriented towards of the two.

5.) Next, we have her counterpart, the other hand of God, and he is immense, about the size of a city block, with shiny-black alien skin, sitting on a black throne, underground, inside of a black fortress, within a black, hidden planet, in a starless zone of some obscure universe. His counterpart is the intelligence behind all light, but he controls all darkness, matter, gravity, and substance within all realities of creation. He is the other side of the coin, the one you never see. He is favored by Don Juan, and I can understand why, because he is more reminiscent of the Nagual itself, at least that's how I see it, but Don Juan has never stated his reasons for being more comfortable with him, though he not a follower of either hand. There was a time when I was more comfortable with this demigod of shadows myself, but his energy makes me restless, and I'm already that way by nature, so I don't need to compound it. In his feminine form, he is Kali, which is much more suitable to me, probably way too much so.

That being said, whenever I feel like hanging out within sight of any of these manifestations in dreaming, I stay near the woman of ice and light, where my mind is quietest. She might have the exact opposite effect on you, so you'll have to figure that out for yourself. If I ever left a nagualist path, I would probably follow her rather than go straight back to the Heaven realms, and I almost forgot to mention, both of these demi-gods have countless billions of followers across all planes, so if you do choose one of those paths of freedom you will have plenty of company.

6.) and 7.) are the combinations of hand of God paths with a Nagualist paths, and the only reason I know of these hybrids is because one of them got put in front of me to follow. For the longest time, I believed that the White HoG and the Black HoG were just the beginning and end of a single path, because I didn't look that deeply into them since they weren't Nagualism as far as I could see. So, I didn't know that they were two discrete paths, let alone four, or much else about them either at first. Eventually, I noticed that my assumptions about them didn't add up, so I started asking more to the point questions, and found out a few more things about the two demigods with variable identities. I found out that they get their name from the fact that it takes both of them to open the gates of Heaven, but if you follow one then you automatically have the participation of the other. They govern all physicality, they are the greatest manifestations of God in our mechanical universe, so there are severe limitations on what they can do here without breaking the rules of physical reality. Actualized sorcerers can see well past these limitation, so it doesn't really matter to them, but to sorcerers who are just getting started it can be a very weird alien encounter to say the least. For this post, I just want to say a couple of more things, the first being that the reason they open the gates of Heaven is not to simply let you in, but for you to meet someone, the person that the path leads to, a prophet from our ancient past.

Secondly, among other things, not only were these demigods charged with building physical life forms for souls to dwell inside, they were also meant to protect mankind, but failed. This is what set in motion the creation of all the paths of freedom, it is their way of trying to salvage things, it is their gift to us. So, as you might have guessed, the other name for the hands of God are "The Eagle."

Opuszczanie czarnej ścieżki

My feelings toward whatever nagual energy I possess have changed quite a bit over the years.  At first, I knew nothing about it so it seemed very cool. Then, as I learned more about it, I started to think it was a thankless burden which would be better to avoid. This feeling changed when I saw that there would be some personal benefit to me, it I was a nagual, so it started to look more like just a job. But, it wasn't a role that I had to play, as I was just having a good time doing my scout thing, and I was really beginning to hope I could just scout my way to freedom and cut out the middle man. When Don Juan started talking to me in dreaming, and putting the focus squarely on me, the whole issue of being a scout vs being a nagual became very disturbing, because I could finally see how closely connected with the death defiers I had been and how black a path that was.  I could see everything that a nagual could do but still not be one, and I didn't care because I had access to two of them, and being with them is far easier than trying to be like them.  But, the pressure was there to transform, because they saw that not doing that would be fatal for me, that I would just turn into one of those black insect sorcerers, or worse, and that would be the end of me one way or another.  So, my attitude was just do your thing guys and transform me and I'll do my best to hold it together.  This has been a challenge to say the least, as it is excruciating to witness the black path when you don't want to be on it, there is an overwhelming hopelessness more than anything else.  In the middle of this storm of transformation, there have been little rays of delicate light, a kind of energy that I have never seen in myself ever before. It is always different, like looking at previews of different movies, but instead of movies they are dreams, and I'm not in these dreams as much as they are actually emanating from me. I didn't know this was even possible, to go beyond just radiating energy but actually having dreams flow out of me, without intending or even wanting it to happen. But here's what I noticed when it happens, I can feel the thing that causes it, and it isn't me, it is the spirit, which I know sounds nebulous, but I can't figure out any better way of defining it. The universe touches me, and I light up faintly for a few minutes, but that light is not really for me or about me, it flies off somewhere for somebody else, and it has nothing to do with my intent or comprehension, yet I can see and feel it clearly.  The internal response that I have to these events is simply, "wow, I'm serving a useful purpose without even having to stress about figuring anything out, this is such a relief." All I do is put my intent on letting Don Juan and Maximilian move my assemblage point in the right direction, and the rest takes care of itself.  The difference between this and what I did as a scout was that my intent before was to dream my way to all the most amazing things that the universe has to offer, even if they were horrifying. Hard to believe I know, but it seemed like I was just being a fearless adventurer, I didn't really want to focus on the fact that I was an agent of old sorcerers calling themselves "the black hand." at first, even though that should have always been my primary concern. The nagual energy that is being sent through me is all positive, much better than I had even hoped it would be. I feel like a television transmission station which is being used to transmit beneficial programs to watch, I know it is happening but I don't know who is watching, but I'm happy to be involved as its all good. 

Castaneda - zagubiona ścieżka serca

Castaneda's works offer some help in dealing with our inorganic side, but his path was so contaminated with death defier ideals that I can't honestly recommend it without throwing in that warning.  I see his books now as advice given by a jailer on how to survive in prison, when the real need is to get out of the prison.  The death defiers are the captors, they are the primary threat to all sorcerers, and getting trapped in an inorganic world is only a hazard to the very weak minded, and there is nothing that can be done for them by anyone, so focusing on an "inorganic threat" is just ridiculous. 

Castaneda - ciała energetyczne?

Regardless of which energy body or bodies any path of sorcery focuses on, they all have to contend with the nagual body because it is the one which coordinates the sharing of energy and dreaming, so it will always factor in.  Because of this property, it would also be very important to any sort of spiritual lineage of any kind, but since it is a non-linear energy body, it is more suited to nature religions instead of western types, as they make extensive use of laws and rules, which are a manifestation of the linear mental body, as well as the astral body which applies meaning to dreams.  The nagual body is able to share awareness and leave it at that, it doesn't need to define that sharing, but the western mind will have none of that. Pagan religions not only allow for non-linear freedom of the heart, they really do just let it be what it is, and some of what it is doesn't conform to the bible, koran, torah, etc, so if somebody is truly attempting to follow a "path with heart" then nature driven spirituality would surely provide the best avenue of expression for them. Of course, for people who are half inorganic, nature includes aliens.

sobota, 3 września 2016

Zapiski jako wsparcie podróży

"Genialne myśli", które są tak uderzające,  gdy się ich doświadcza, że wydają się trwale zmieniać sposób patrzenia na świat, stają się z czasem coraz mniej dostępne, wraz z przemijaniem stanu umysłu, który umożliwił ich sformułowanie.
Zapiasanie spostrzeżenia nie tylko chroni jego treść, ale pozwala również powrócić do stanu, w którym możlie było jego dostrzeżenie.

Mantra jako narzędzie

Mantra, której celem jest ułatwienie opanowania i zachowania wewnętrznej ciszy, musi być dopasowana do energii danej osoby, jeśli ma być efektywnym narzędziem.

Wartość rasizmu

Jeśli coś istnieje zapewne wnosi (lub wnosiło) wartość, która pozwoliła na utrwalenie obecności tego w świecie. Jeśli popatrzymy na przyrodę widzimy zachwycającą różnorodność. Pytanie o jej źródło prowadzi do pytania o powstawanie gatunków. Ogólnie akceptuje się fakt powstawania gatunków na skutek separacji części populacji gatunku i dostosowania się tej części do nowych warunków środowiska. Gdy po pewnym czasię takie populacje spotykają się, różnią się już od siebie na tyle, że nie mogą się krzyżować. Tyle, że jest tu uproszczenie, pomijające fakt, iż zwykle mogą, ale nie chcą. Taką niechęć u ludzi nazywamy rasizmem, ale warto pamiętać, że zawdzięczamy jej różnorodność gatuków i kultur. Na poziomie meta łatwo dostrzec, że jest to emanacja tendencj aby raczej istniało coś niż nic, której zawdzięczamy istnienie świata. Przejawia się ona w niezliczonych siłach rozdzielających i różnicujących.