niedziela, 11 września 2016

Moc czarownika i nagual

Think of a sorcerer's power as a gear. When the sorcerer completes his energy body, the gear becomes solid. This allows the sorcerer to interlock his power with that of other sorcerers, as well as that of a nagual leader. This is how a party of sorcerers functions, like a machine made out of concrete light. The interlocking power of this group is also connected to the universe at large in the same manner, but without adequate power in dreaming, this is not possible.

At the fourth gate of dreaming, you can share a lucid dream with another sorcerer. The closest thing to sharing power in a lucid dream, which isn't really possible, is to interlock power in the dream, but in order to do this you have to have a nagual leader present, a group of sorcerers on their own can't do it. So, you could say that interlocking power in dreaming is the same as a fourth gate experience with a nagual. Once you have experienced both kinds of fourth gate dreams, you'll understand why a nagual is required for a party of sorcerers to really do anything.

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