piątek, 20 sierpnia 2021

Nauka z wnętrza

Za Robert A. Johnson
"Inner work using dreams and active imagination for personal growth"

This is perhaps the essence of the meaning of these
visionary experiences, as it is really the heart of Active
Imagination itself: It is a way of learning from your own
experience those profound truths of life that can’t be
transferred from one person to another with words but can only be
genuinely ​known through one’s own connection to the
collective unconscious. In this sense, we can only learn what we
already know at the unconscious level.

Kierkegaard expressed this principle when he said
that no one can give faith to another. He meant that no amount of
teaching, no words, no matter how sweet the aphorisms or how
rational the arguments, can communicate the experience that gives
birth to faith. There is a kind of knowledge and a kind of faith
that only comes from experience. We have to look deeply within
ourselves to find them, because they can’t be experienced
secondhand from other people. Each person must go directly to the

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